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1- …………………… the change of information in any manner detectable by an observer.   A.     Information B.     Information processing C.     Technology D.    None of the above 2- ................................. is the assembly of written information into a standard order. A.     Information B.     Analysis C.     Organization D.    Collation   3- Which of the following is not the ways of organizing information? A.     Alphabetical by Name B.     Alphabetical by Title C.     Chronologically D.    Information 4- …………………… is the science of evaluating information content, and refining information to build portfolios. A.     Collation B.     Organization of information C.     Information Analysis D.    Technology 5- Which of the following can help in collecting data about environmental issues ? A.     Education B.     Agriculture C.     Special Needs D.    Environment   1-B 2-D   3-D   4-C 5-D

C++ Basic Arithmetic

  Basic Arithmetic Any statement enclosed with double quotes (" ") in a cout statement is displayed directly and any arithmetical or logical expression is evaluated and then the result is displayed. The program below shows the result of the expression 3 + 5. /* PROG: C1_03sum.cpp */ #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout <<"5 + 3 = "<<5+3<<endl; //calculate and print the sum system("pause"); return 0; } 5 + 3 = 8 Press any key to continue . . .