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LOGIC GATES A logic gate is an elementary building block of a digital circuit. One of the most useful aspects of computers is their ability to make decisions. If the number of items in stock falls below a certain level, then print an order for some more. The ability to make useful decisions like this is because of special circuits in the processor. These circuits are called logic circuits. Logic circuits are made from components called logic gates. .

Ms Word Activity and Practical game



EARLY METHODS OF COUNTING BODY COUNTING Fingers, toes and feet. The fingers and toes were used for counting and keeping track of days, while the feet were used to measure areas, such as land. COLLECTION COUNTING A collection of smaller objects were used to correspond with the objects counted. For example, a shepherd would keep a count of his sheep by keeping the same number of pebbles. A collection of shells, pearls, elephant teeth, sticks, or even coconuts could be used. TALLY STICK A tally stick is any piece of wood, bone, or object on which notches could be cut. Each notch corresponds to an object being counted. With tally sticks, only a small piece of wood or bone needed to be carried around for keeping track of the numbers of objects. KNOTTED STRING Knotted strings were used in the same way as tally sticks. LIMITATION OF EARLY COUNTING AND CALCULATING DEVICES They could not be used to count large numbers. The results/output could not be stored. They consumed a lot of time. The ope

SS1 Review Questions

  1.     ………………………………… is the word used to describe devices. These are the parts of the computer system you can touch and see .   A.     Hardware B.     Software C.     Data D.    Information 2.     …………………………… peripherals that are used to capture data and send it to a computer system. A.     Output devices B.     Input devices C.     Storage devices D.    Processing devices   3.     …………………… peripherals pass data back from a process . A.     Input devices B.     Output devices C.     Processing Devices D.    Storage devices   4.     Which of the following is the input device? A.     Harddisk B.     Monitor C.     Keyboard   D.    Printer 5.     Which of the following is the storage device?   A.     Monitor B.     Scanner C.     Mouse D.    Harddisk     1A 2B 3B 4C 5D  

JSS3 - Computer Professional




What is an Index?

An index is a data structure, a special data structure designed to improve the speed of data retrieval. An index on a file speeds up selections on the search key fields for the index.   CLUSTERED INDEX Clustered index is a type of index which sorts the data rows in the table on their key values. Clustered index exists as sorted row on disk. Clustered index re-orders the table record. Clustered index contains record in the leaf level of the B-tree. NON-CLUSTERED INDEX A Non-clustered index stores the data at one location and indices at another location. The index contains pointers to the location of that data. Non-clustered index is like the index in the back of a chemistry text book. The chemistry text book has some natural order to it: Chapter 1: Matter Chapter 2: Elements Chapter 3: Compounds DENSE INDEX In a dense index, a record is created for every search key valued in the database. This helps you to search faster but needs more space to store index records. In t




  1- _________ refers to the rules and regulations governing the conduct of an indivual with others. Profession  Profession Computer behaviour  Computer ethics  Ethics   2- _________ is the standard of conduct as it relates to computers.  Computer ethics  Ethics  Computer users Computer professionals  3- _________ is a place where the teaching and learning of computer studies takes place.   Computer laboratory  Computer shop  Computer factory  Computer house   4- These are some of the components of an ideal computer laboratory except_____________.   White marker board  printers  chairs and computer systems  Washing machines  5- A computer room contains the following except_____________.   Monitor  printer  sewing machine  UPS   ANSWERS 1-D 2-A 3-A 4-D 5-C


  Ethics means that the rules and standards that guide the conduct of an individual with others. As technology and computers are increasingly becoming part of our everyday lives, we must understand how to avoid problems that come with them.    Computer ethics can be defined as the standard, rules and conduct that students must obey in using the computer.    The computer laboratory, also called computer room is a room where the teaching and learning of computer studies takes place. It is a room where the needed equipment for teaching and learning computer studies or doing scientific work on computer applications are kept.    An ideal computer laboratory must have the following features:  it must be a well-illuminated room that can comfortably accommodate twenty-five computers.  it must be furnished with chairs and computer tables.  it must contain complete computers sets(desktops, laptops with keyboards, speakers, microphone, mouse, etc. There must be a central main power supply


1- …………………… the change of information in any manner detectable by an observer.   A.     Information B.     Information processing C.     Technology D.    None of the above 2- ................................. is the assembly of written information into a standard order. A.     Information B.     Analysis C.     Organization D.    Collation   3- Which of the following is not the ways of organizing information? A.     Alphabetical by Name B.     Alphabetical by Title C.     Chronologically D.    Information 4- …………………… is the science of evaluating information content, and refining information to build portfolios. A.     Collation B.     Organization of information C.     Information Analysis D.    Technology 5- Which of the following can help in collecting data about environmental issues ? A.     Education B.     Agriculture C.     Special Needs D.    Environment   1-B 2-D   3-D   4-C 5-D


  SS1 INFORMATION PROCESSING AND TRANSMISSION  Information processing is the change of information in any manner detectable by an observer. As such, it is a process which describes everything which happens (changes) in the universe, from the falling of a rock (a change in position) to the printing of a text file from a digital computer system. Information represented digitally in two-state, or binary, form is often referred to as digital information. Modern information systems are characterized by extensive metamorphoses of analog and digital information. - Collation of information - Organization of information - Analysis of information - Interpretation of information Collation is the assembly of written information into a standard order. Advantages of sorted list include: One can easily find the first n elements and the last n elements One can easily search for an element, and conclude whether it is in the list. One can easily search for an elements in a given range. In

C++ Basic Arithmetic

  Basic Arithmetic Any statement enclosed with double quotes (" ") in a cout statement is displayed directly and any arithmetical or logical expression is evaluated and then the result is displayed. The program below shows the result of the expression 3 + 5. /* PROG: C1_03sum.cpp */ #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout <<"5 + 3 = "<<5+3<<endl; //calculate and print the sum system("pause"); return 0; } 5 + 3 = 8 Press any key to continue . . .


  3.Term Final Exam Question    1.     What does ICT stands for? A.     Information and Communication Technology B.     Instant Command Transmission C.     Internet Community Technology D.    Information Continuity Transfer   2.     One of the following is a disadvantage of ICT. A.     Expensive setup B.     Accommodation C.     Productivity D.    Independent   3.     All are laboratory rules and regulations except ___________                             A.     Maintaining dust-free environment. B.     Do not move any equipment from its original position. C.     Do not load or remove any software from the system. D.    Do not attempt to repair laboratory equipment.   4.     One of the following best describe ICT. A.     The communication between two people B.     The use of electronic devices and other electronic communication means to manage and process information effectively. C.     Intersection of row and a column D.    it is a place where we buy our goods   5.     Ethics means wha